
Bikram Yoga Naperville

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bikram Yoga Naperville Detail
The heat being a constant 105 degrees doesn’t really sound like that much fun and I am a hot weather person. These Bikran classes are amazing though with all that heat and 26 poses. The heat helps to warm up your muscles and detoxify your body. It actually helps to clear your sinus especially if your sick. You get abs, increase flexibility, and all the benefits of traditional yoga plus a great detox the only downside is the sweat, but honestly it doesn't really smell until you get out, but then you have showers.
In your first class it takes about 30 minutes for your body to get use to the heat and may think about walking out but its worth staying for. Bring a bottle of water but dont drink to much to fast even if you are tempted drinking to fast can actually give you side cramps. A towel and of course shorts are a must to take these classes not just because of the heat but to be able to see your muscles in the mirror as you do your pose . Oh and do not wear mascara it will be running down your face like ice cream melts on a hot day. You can burn 800 to 1200 in one 90 minute class depending on how hard you work.
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville
Bikram Yoga Naperville

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