
Yoga Classes

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Yoga Classes Detail
Hot yoga, can be quite intimidating for those who are either new to yoga in general, or haven't been to a hot yoga class before. If the 105ºF temperatures aren't enough to scare you away, the thought of getting sticky and sweating with a group of strangers can be enough to turn you off of it. But, once you get past the heat and the sweat factor, hot yoga classes can provide you with some of the best workouts of your life. Here's what you should know before attending your first hot yoga class.
What to bring: Unlike traditional yoga, hot yoga requires a few more accessories to make the class more enjoyable. I like to bring a big bottle of water so that I can stay hydrated throughout class; my own yoga mat; a slipless yoga towel to help keep me in place during the practice; and a smaller towel for face/neck sweat. Note: towels are not required, but with all of the sweating you do, they are nice to have.
What to wear: I tend to just wear my regular yoga clothes to class which are made out of sweat-wicking materials. I would suggest steering clear of baggy or articles of clothing made out of cotton because anything baggy will just become a nuisance, and cotton actually traps sweat, so you'll feel even more uncomfortable.
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes
Yoga Classes

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