
Yoga For Fertility

Friday, February 22, 2013

Yoga For Fertility Detail
When it comes to infertility, both men and women can feel their masculinity/femininity threatened. The whole subject matter can even threaten the relationship. Fortunately, doing yoga together can restore your health and well-being, as well as refuel your relationship.
Developed for couples trying to conceive, yoga for fertility adds several postures that can help increase the chances of pregnancy. Fertility yoga also works to balance the body’s hormones and helps direct energy to your reproductive organs, all of which can make your body more receptive to conception.
Fertility yoga offers a great alternative to expensive pharmacological treatments and invasive medical options. Its goals are: improved physical health, reduced stress, and an improved relationship with your partner.
Your overall physical health plays a significant role in the likelihood of your getting pregnant. Fertility yoga includes postures that tone and strengthen the muscles supporting your reproductive organs; improve your body’s alignment; increase blood circulation, sending nutrients and oxygen to your reproductive system; and increase your energy and stamina.
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility
Yoga For Fertility

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