
Yoga Workshop

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Yoga Workshop Detail
When in Boulder, go here for yoga! I believe this yoga studio was founded over 20 years ago here by Richard Freeman, and teaches Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. My understanding is he's pretty well-known in yoga circles for a long time now, traveling all over the world to teach his workshops and taking part in events like the annual Yoga Journal Conference in Estes Park. I've met yogis coming to Boulder from the far east, Australia, Canada, NY, CA, etc. to attend his sold-out workshops.
Come to YW if you're serious about yoga, or just seriously interested. Don't come here if you want a 1 hour "power" yoga-kickboxing-hiphop dance gimmicky workout. Don't come here for hot yoga (though it does get quite WARM in the studio during summer afternoons). Do come here for yoga for your body and mind. I've always felt better for it, and yoga has helped manage my lower back pain.
I really enjoy Richard's Sunday morning Level 1, Form & Foundation class, suitable for beginners like me. During these classes, besides going thru the basic poses and proper alignment, he's known for emphasize breathing, and also gets into yoga philosophy. I've also benefited from attending talks he sometimes gives on Sunday evenings, on Indian philosophy, that go off in interesting and amusing directions.
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop
Yoga Workshop


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