
Pregnancy Yoga Poses

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Pregnancy Yoga Poses Detail
Prenatal yoga is a great way to stay in shape while you’re pregnant, and it’s good for your baby, too!
Pregnant women hear all the time that we should rest, relax, and put our feet up. While rest is definitely important – growing a whole person in your belly is hard work! – getting exercise is also critical to get your body ready for birth and motherhood, and it’s great for your baby, too!
You should always talk to your doctor before starting any prenatal exercise, especially if you weren’t exercising much before your pregnancy.
Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy
Two of the most beneficial exercises you can do when you’re pregnant are walking and yoga. Even if all that you can manage is a walk around the block or a 15 minute session of easy yoga poses, you’re conditioning your body, getting your blood pumping, and even helping your baby get properly positioned for birth.
The other bonus I’ve noticed to walking and yoga? It seems to help with edema! It sounds counter-intuitive, but a 1/2-1 mile walk or short set of yoga poses often relive some of the swelling in my feet after a long day.
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses
Pregnancy Yoga Poses

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