
Partner Yoga

Friday, February 22, 2013

Partner Yoga Detail
Partner Yoga is a way to experience directly the root principle of Yoga – union. To experience union, we relax into the present moment and our individual nature. From this authentic connection with ourselves, we realize our essential sameness and unity with others.  Partners work together to heighten balance, energy, and alignment.  Partner Yoga integrates the body-heart-mind-spirit connection through the use of universal principals such as trust, compassion, creativity, and communication.  Partner Yoga positions utilize the principles of individual postures while incorporating the presence of another to deepen the impact of the postures.  Partner Yoga is nurturing, playful, and can deepen self-awareness.  In this workshop you will experience how partner yoga is unique in its approach, pace, and touch, and provides a pathway into Yoga that may have previously seemed intimidating or inaccessible.  We will explore communication, breath awareness and therapeutic poses you can share with a partner.  We will explore how to modify or adapt the postures to make the practice accessible, engaging and therapeutic for both partners.  All levels are encouraged to attend!  Bring a partner or come alone, and we will pair you up!
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga
Partner Yoga

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