
Yoga And Pregnancy

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that has contributed in the holistic living of individuals in the most natural and trusted way since years. Yoga is like a spiritual route to a relaxed mind and healthy body.
In times of pregnancy, when women are battling mood swings at varying levels, fatigue and sickness, painful leg cramps and breathing problems; yoga exercises, techniques and postures ease all such conditions ensuring a period of relieved nine months followed by an easier labour and smooth delivery.
Yoga postures prepare muscles to become “birthing muscles” by increasing their elasticity and mothers learn to use them more effectively during the birth..
Yoga practice allows fear and stress to be released as the baby is born.
Yoga in pregnancy brings a calm strength and inner balance that enables the mother to overcome whatever challenges lie ahead.
Bodily changes in your body during pregnancy have an effect on muscles your lower and upper back and abdomen as well as stretching tendons and ligaments, over and over again causing pain. Doing yoga exercises, helps stretch and make stronger the muscles undergoing changes. Moreover, the mild stretching of the pelvic muscles helps help a smooth delivery.
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy
Yoga And Pregnancy

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