
Iyengar Yoga

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Iyengar Yoga Detail
Iyengar Yoga, named after and developed by B. K. S. Iyengar, is a form of Hatha Yoga that has an emphasis on detail, precision and alignment in the performance of posture (asana) and breath control (pranayama). The development of strength, mobility and stability is gained through the asanas.
B.K.S. Iyengar has systematised over 200 classical yoga poses and 14 different types of Pranayama (with variations of many of them) ranging from the basic to advanced. This helps ensure that students progress gradually by moving from simple poses to more complex ones and develop their mind, body and spirit step-by-step.
Iyengar Yoga often, but not always, makes use of props, such as belts, blocks, and blankets, as aids in performing asanas (postures). The props enable students to perform the asanas correctly, minimising the risk of injury or strain, and making the postures accessible to both young and old.
Iyengar Yoga is firmly based on the traditional eight limbs of yoga as expounded by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras.
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga

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