
Kripalu Yoga Center

Friday, February 22, 2013

Kripalu Yoga Center Detail
Yoga primarily focuses on the (re)unification of body, mind and soul. The holistic approach is also reflected in the architecture of the largest and most widely respected Yoga center in North America. The unadorned and selected integration of authentic and discreet materials such as exposed concrete and natural cypress wood allows guests to focus on the essentials and also creates an atmosphere of simple, almost ascetic beauty. Large glass surfaces create a visual connection to the surrounding forest landscape – the intensity of which can be individually regulated with the wooden louvered sliding shutters.
The Kripalu Center is an amazing place.  It’s housed on a large and charming campus in a giant dormitory style building.  Everything you need – the yoga studios, dining hall, dorm rooms (where I shared a room with 7 other women camp-style!), spa, whirlpool and sauna, etc are in the same building.  There is such a sense of community at Kripalu.  Everyone seems to know everyone else and volunteers and interns live and work there in exchange for yoga and meditation classes.  What with the amazing schedule of classes and activities, it would have been easy to spend the whole time indoors but after the snow storm, I was dying to get outside and play in it.  When I found myself with a free hour I took a stroll down to the lake which was absolutely stunning with the mist rising up off the frozen water.  I was lucky not to enounter any bears or hunters which I had been warned against from a posting that I read on the bulletin board in the main reception at Kripalu.
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center
Kripalu Yoga Center

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