
Iyengar Yoga DVD

Friday, February 22, 2013

Iyengar Yoga DVD Detail
Iyengar Yoga is a form of Hatha Yoga, In Guruji’s own words “All yoga is hatha, all yoga is asthanga,” asthanga meaning eight in Sanskrit and eight being the limbs of yoga as detailed by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.
Quite often Yoga gets identified with stretches — asanas; however asanas are only the third limb of the eight in the Yoga journey. Find out more in the Benefits of Yoga section.
Asanas are very useful and a very important stage as they allow us to develop strength, stamina, flexibility, balance and to train our very busy minds to concentrate gradually, to a point where eventually we may aspire to have moments of complete stillness and clarity. As practice develops, these moments of stillness and peace become longer and lead to a sharper, quieter mind, watchful of the changes and the fluctuations and more resourced to cope with challenges of everyday life.
In the Iyengar system there is a strong focus on the alignment of the physical body and the asanas are introduced in a way which encourages a gradual and safe development of the body structure. There is a great level of detail brought to any asana to continue to grow, whatever the level, in the same pose, whilst adding more complex ones if a students decides to continue to more advanced classes.
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD
Iyengar Yoga DVD

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