
Yoga Pose

Friday, February 22, 2013

Yoga Pose Detail
Yoga poses, called asanas, are essential components of the practice of yoga. There are hundreds of different yoga poses that are used in combination to create a yoga routine or practice. Understanding some of the basic yoga poses and their purposes can help both beginning and advanced practitioners practice to the most effective degree.
Some yoga poses are considered resting or meditative poses. These are generally poses where the body is largely still, and emphasis is placed on breathing, steadying the body, or relaxing, rather than stretching the body. Mountain pose is a resting and readying pose used at the beginning of most standing series of movements, and is meant to bring the body into perfect alignment by lengthening the neck, curving the belly inward, and rooting feet to the floor. Child's pose is performed by resting on the shins with knees far apart and toes close together, while the torso rests on the thighs and arms stretch out to rest on the floor in front of the body.
As described in the “Complete Yoga Book” by James Hewitt, you do the pose as following:
1. Squat on the toes with the knees held apart.
2. Place the palms on the floor between the knees, the fingers spread for optimum purchase.
3. Place the inner edges of the knees against the backs of the upper arms, lean forward until the feet lift off the floor and then you balance on the palms (easier said than done). The elbows are supposed to be slightly bent.
4. Now enjoy the pose – hold it for 10-20 seconds!
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose

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