
Yoga For Fibromyalgia

Friday, February 22, 2013

Yoga For Fibromyalgia Detail
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that causes pain in the muscles, headaches, extreme fatigue and problems sleeping. For years, it was not even recognized as a real disease, but now there are medications used to target symptoms.
There is also plenty of research which shows that yoga is beneficial for treating fibromyalgia, and can provide long-term relief. In an eight-week study published in the “Journal of Pain Research” in 2011, researchers found that yoga for fibromyalgia not only helped to relieve fibromyalgia symptoms, but helped in regulating cortisol levels in the body.
Those with fibromyalgia often have pain and tension in the back, shoulders and neck. Certain yoga poses actually target these specific areas. Try the following yoga exercises as part of your regular fibromyalgia treatment plan. Check with your doctor before beginning this or any exercise program.
Women who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia can reduce symptoms of the disease and improve their function by practicing the mind-body techniques of yoga, a new study says. Researchers in Oregon who enrolled 53 women aged 21 or older for the study say that women who participated in a “Yoga of Awareness” health program showed significantly greater improvement in fibromyalgia symptoms. Their findings are published in the November issue of Pain, the journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain.
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Yoga For Fibromyalgia

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