
Yoga For Osteoporosis

Friday, February 22, 2013

Yoga For Osteoporosis Detail
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that reduces the bone density primarily in menopausal women and occasionally in men as well. It is mostly a part of the normal aging process, and the main factors that cause osteoporosis are hormonal changes in the body and calcium deficiency. The best way to avoid it is to lead a healthy life style with regular and proper muscle strengthening exercises and diet that is enrich with calcium and Vitamin D.
Regular yoga practice is said to improve the muscle strength and help bones retain their density. According to some, yoga at times also builds back the bone density that was lost during osteoporosis. Many osteoporosis patients are seeking help from yoga centers all over the world to get their lives back on track. Yoga teachers lead their osteoporosis patients through a series of poses that strengthen the muscles around the bones that are more prone towards getting fractured.
Yoga ensures that a balance is retained between different glands and organs, thus resulting in a steady supply of hormones that maintain the bone density. In addition, yoga strengthens the skeletal system and the over all physiology of the yogi. Usually Hatha yoga is the preferred practice by women to avoid or control osteoporosis. Hatha has also been technically proven to increase bone strength when performed on a regular basis.
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis
Yoga For Osteoporosis

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