
Yoga For Athletes

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Yoga For Athletes Detail
Athletes have the ability to gain an even deeper understanding or benefit from doing yoga. This is because most athletes have tight muscles, limited flexibility, a large amount of stress physically or mentally and even injuries that they are working around. Yoga gives the athlete the tools to excel at what they are already doing by increasing flexibility, endurance, balance, muscle conditioning and looser joints by increasing the synovial fluid surrounding the joints. In addition, yoga will keep the athlete less injury prone and help them to mentally prepare for their sport through breathing techniques.
The yoga practitioner gains a deep understanding of their own body and its limitations and is even aware of how their body can change day to day. I always ask my students to treat their practice for what it is that specific day, not having the expectations of yesterday or the goals of tomorrow; their yoga practice is about being present in what is, now. An athlete can use yoga to help them accommodate for their changing body needs as they age or are faced with injury or strain.
Yoga breathing techniques become very relevant for the athlete doing yoga. We call this awareness and manipulation of breath pranayama. There are many types of breathing techniques a yogi can use, all of which bring a greater since of energy with in the body and in turn affect ones mental state as well. Yoga breathing brings complete attention to each inhale and each exhale, which therefore strengthens the core and teaches us how to calm or focus when necessary or possibly heat the body when necessary. This aspect of centering and focusing is extremely important to the athlete.
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes
Yoga For Athletes

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