
Bikram Yoga Video

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Bikram Yoga Video Detail
Bikram Yoga, is a system of yoga that Bikram Choudhury synthesized from traditional hatha yoga techniques and popularized beginning in the early 1970s. Bikram Yoga sessions run for exactly 90 minutes and consist of a set series of 26 postures including 2 breathing exercises. Bikram Yoga is ideally practiced in a room heated to 105°F (≈ 40.6°C) with a humidity of 40%, and is the most popular form of hot yoga (a series of yoga poses performed in a heated room).
Bikram Choudhury, founder of the Bikram Yoga system, is also the founder of the Yoga College of India. Born in Calcutta in 1946, Bikram began practicing yoga at age four. He practiced yoga 4–6 hours every day. At the age of thirteen, he won the National India Yoga Championship. He was undefeated for the following three years and retired as the undisputed All-India National Yoga Champion. Bikram later devised the 26 postures sequence and founded Bikram’s Yoga College of India. He has also written books and sings.
In 2006, he had 1,650 yoga studios around the world (up from 1,200 the previous year).
Although many individuals enjoy practicing hot yoga, there are certain health risks involved and the main reason for this is the extreme heat. Some sportsmen and professional dancers claim to prefer Bikram Yoga, because proponents argue it has injury-healing, emotion-strengthening, toxin-flushing, weight-managing, and career-extending effects. However, no concrete peer reviewed evidence has arisen to back up these claims. Moreover, it can also cause dehydration from excessive sweating. This should be ameliorated by drinking water or other fluids, and keeping up electrolytes. Some instructors encourage sipping water during the class; most recommend not eating heavy food 3 hours before doing hot yoga.
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video
Bikram Yoga Video

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